Monday, July 12, 2010

Dimonds Aren't Forever

Today, I lost Blaze. Hah.

This morning I was hungover and stayed at Blair's. She desided that she wanted to go out for some shit. So, I watched Blaze. We chilled out, ate some Ramen noodles, and layed down on the floor and watched Aurthur. Blaze was laying on my tummy and we were having a grand time. Blaze is such great conversation xD.

Well at one point I fell asleep. It was great. I haven't been sleeping for a while and I realized I'd slept a whole 3 hours. I had a nice dream to. One that no one needs to know what it was about... :3 Heh heh.

Well anyway. I was rudely awaked by my phone playing She's So Sorry. Because some idiot desided to call me. Cough Dallas Cough. xD. He knew I was watching Blaze I guess and was checking in. I was confused because I just woke up. And was like "uh.. yea?" and Dally was just asking away about Blaze and I was like why the fuck are you asking me? and I sat up and was all HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHERES BLAZE.
I hung up on Dallas and ran around looking for the kid xD I ran into Brook and I don't know why she was there and I was freaking out asking her to help me find Blaze. She said she came in and put him in his crib when she saw us on the floor and didn't want him to get hurt. I was like THE FUCK CHILD I WAS SCARED TO DEATH FOR NOTHING?! but I was ONLY kidding xD

I went and had a shot of whiskey and then ate some weird looking shit in the cupboard :p the end.



  1. you spelled diamonds wrong. and you almost lost my nephew. im so disappointed in you Carson Maybell Randle :/

  2. I know right xD I fail so hardbore today :(

  3. -.- this is why i dont let u sit for my cat :P
    well im so glad blaze is ok :) and yeah u spelt diamonds wrong :P

  4. ha its a nice ass song weather she spells it wrong or not :p lol, and atleast he didnt leave the house or nothin lol, that would be a problem :p

  5. Wow Car...lmao. I'm glad Blaze is okay :)

  6. You lost my son -.-
    Im so unimpressed -.-

  7. Reason #346832 why I'm never letting you in charge of my kids.

    P.S: your oh so retarded blog won't let me follow it -.-

  8. im never letting u take care of my dog princess... im so dissapointed carson.. and its a good thing dal called or u would have never kne that blaze was missin

  9. That's why u hung up on me?? U lost my son? -.- haha

  10. And yet, Dallas still laughs about it.

  11. u ppl...........r quite special
