Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lipstick and Gingers.

Today, I desided to be a little bitch and a half >:].

To start off my day of evilness, I got up extra early and ventured to the Curtis residence. I snuck into ms. Kitty's room, and since she sleeps till noon at least, its easy to sneek around in there because she's fuckin dead to the world :p. I stoll a tube of nice porno red lipstick and some lip gloss. I then proceeded to walk down the hall into Sodapop's room. I walked over to his bed and applied to lipstick and gloss. Oh Soda, you have such pretty woman lips. I must say, you look a bit like chocolate bar over there.. xD. I laughed and took a picture of sleepy Soda to savor the memories. Hahaha.

After a morning of super glueing payphones to their little.. hook..thingys..whatever there called. I figured it was a good time to go torment some small children. But those fuckers are boring and in schools on Wednesday's... So I dressed up as an old woman and visited the high school :D. I called Jamie down to the office, gave her a big hug and then shoved ice down her pants. Hahah. I made her all wet down there >:]. Before she could open her pretty little mouth I bloted it outta there. Haha :D.

I traveled all the way to the garage listening to my fabulous iPod. I saw Stevie-poo workin on a cars engine. It looked all rusted and gross. "Hey Steven," I greeted him as any pleasent sister should. "oh, hey Car." he looked over, smiled some and removed a ...uhg I can't think of the name for them.... shock somethin or other. looks like a spring? sure. Well he took one of those out. and started putting some nice lookin red fluid into the hole where the thing was.

"uh, does the engine have a cold and need some cough medicen?" I asked Steve.

"no fattie," he laughed, "its transmission fluid. the pistons are all rusted to the cylinders so I'm gonna put this shit on 'em for a few weeks and see if it can eat down threw so I can get the pistons out without breakin' anything."

"Uhm, ok sure. whatever. want some help?" I walked over and picked up the syringe type tyhing he was useing. Steve-o doesn't make much sence sometimes. Seriously, what the hell is he tryin to do here? I pushed the handle of the thing in, thinking it was empty, no. No it was full. a big spot of transmission fluid went and landed on Steve's head, ALLL in his hair.. xD. He was so mad. But it was sooooo funny.

"Awh Stevie you make such a pretty ginger!" I said with a grin. He started chasing me around the garage. I was laughin my ass off the entire time. Hahahahaha. xD. It was just so fuckin funny for some reason. I think if it were anyone else I wouldn't have laughed until I cried, theres just something about my brother that makes me laugh... I don't know what it is. Hes just funnny lookin I guess :p.

Steve caught me and we started wrestling on the floor. "HOLLAR UNCLE!" he was yellin at me. He was laughin to. I couldn't say anything because I was laughing so hard at his hair ... xD.

Eventually we came to an agreement. I was out his hair if he promised not to kill me. Fair deal I supose. We went over to the sink and I started scrubbing at his hair, useing some hand soap to try and get the shit outta his hair. My god his hair is a mess -.- I couldn't get anything out because of the fuckin grease he loads in there every morning. Its discusting really :p. He convinced me to use some of this orange smellin shit that you use to wash your hands with when you get grease on them. I was tryin to tell him it would ruin his hair but he wouldn't take it. Oh well, wasn't my head. So I put the orangey shit in and the grease and transmission fluid came out :D. But his hair was still nasty as hell. I advised him to go home and wash it extra good with real shampoo.

Oh what a fun day to write a shitty post about. Goodnight world :D.



  1. I found this quite amusing. Oh you and your adventures Carson..

  2. that was fckin halarious. i especially like the part where u made jamie wet ;p

  3. NOT THE HAIR! DON'T KILL THE HAIR! I don't like bald lovers :(

  4. Oh Car you make me laugh so hard. I'm gonna kidnap you, tie you to my bed, maybe make you do some porno, and then make you amuse me for all days till eternity.

    Wait... so it was YOU who stole my lipstick and gloss. Poor Sodapop, I blame him for everything. Oh well.

  5. ahahha a porno!! kit i didnt kno uwere into that shit. kinky. man i wanna watch this

  6. -.- i had to wear p.e. sweats for the rest of the day car. :P
    but thats nothing compared to steve haha
    and soda and kit could pass as twins. :P

  7. Twins? Seriously? Sigh....

    Sweat pants. Lshidmtaceiam

  8. wouldnt be the first time that happened to steve XD

  9. hahaha dal, you think everything's kinky :P

  10. kit when i first met u guys i thout u were twins :(

  11. Jamie when you first met us you where like four. But whatever, I'll decide to be nice today and accept the fact that Soda may look a little like pretty moi.

  12. awwwwwwwwwwwwww :3. it's so cute to hear stories about you and shtevie killing and making gingers out of each other :)

  13. exactly kit :P to my four year old brain you two could have been twins. yes its nice to see you embracing it :D

  14. I want in on the next set of adventures :D

  15. i just read dal's comment. -.- not amusing.
