Thursday, November 18, 2010

She Likes Rock n Roll

Bubble baths are awesome.
Computer viruses can suck it.
I have no rythm line for awesome.
So, fuck it.

Woohoo poems. Really bad poems. Almost as exciting as Saturdays :DDDDDD I love Saturday. Even though I have no job.. or go to school.. and mooch off everyone... Saturday's are still bomb :D.

I made myself some homemade apple sauce for breakfast. BEST FUCKIN APPLE SHIT I'VE EVER HAD. I think I jizzed. It was so amazing. I didn't even know how to make apple sauce :]. I picked up my hot lesbian hooker wife (Jamie) shortly after this delicious short adventure in the kitchen. We went to see Blair.

Poor Blair :( I dragged a chair over and sat next to her bed. I hate seeing her hurt. I hid away my emotions and tried to be happy. I told her about my wounderous apple sauce. I told her how Blaze is adorable (even though everyone fuckin knows that :p), I told her everything thats been happening which I'm sure she's been told a million times. I told her I have most of her Christmas present, I hinted that I'm getting her a Joan Jett barbie doll (I'm not :p) so she'll get excited and wake up sooner :D. I've also told her not to have a Glee wedding, and went on a rant on how horrible Glee is. Jamie and I had a fight over that :p.We stayed there most of the day. I figured she would've woken up by then to smack us.. no :(

I left Jamie around 2 in the afternoon. Give them some sister time. I wandered around Tulsa until I came across Jelly :D. I love Jelly. but she's not squishy :(. That makes her loose a few points.. oh well. We walked around. Joking around and having fun. Then she randomly stopped dead in her tracks and went OH.MY.GOD. she looked all happy and silly and was maybe kinda drooling a bit... :\ I looked at what she was starring at and saw a big sign over a garage that read DEAN'S AUTO. It was so exciting. We screamed like little girls for a few seconds (minutes...) jesus tits. You'd think we were dying xD. We ran inside and Jelly asked to see whoever Dean was, with a huge smile. The semi cute guy we ran into smirked and went off.. somewhere... Then this obeese man with a funny gotee came from where semi cute guy went and introdused himself as Dean. I think I heard Jelly almost sob... it was so upsetting. He was like "uhhh :\" and we just kinda... ran out :p.

Jells and I went to the park all depressing like. I was hugging her on the edge of the fountain while she cried out WHYYYY. WHHHHY US. repetedly. Amazingly, the ice cream vender van thingy came by with its annoying song. I swear, I've had nightmares over that song. Buuuuut, to brighten Jelly and myself up, I bought us some ice cream cones :D. I got Blair one to make her feel better... then realized... she can't eat ice cream.. so I took it back to Dally :p I don't care if he isn't too fond of ice cream or not. I made him eat it :p

Not the best Saturday.. but whatever. Theres plenty more Saturday's to come :p


  1. Yay Saturdayss! And I am terribly sorry that the Dean you love was not the one who owns the auto shop \:

  2. xD for a man of his weight i would have assumed ice cream is one of his dietary staples
    .........i was wrong :O

  3. Hahaha, I love your poem thingy XD

  4. <--- And I'm going to bitch at you cause you forgot to add my on your list >_<

  5. so i was spinning in a chair and now i feel like im gonna puke...
